Exclusively Combined Ingredients to Boost Health and Energy with Every Cup of Marita Burn + Control Coffee.
The Flavor of Energy
Marita Burn + Control features a smooth and balanced taste. It offers sweet notes with low acidity and bitterness, complemented by a subtle hint of spices.
Health Every Day
The careful selection and quality of ingredients make Burn + Control a coffee to enjoy daily, with a smooth and homely flavor.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many times a day can it be consumed?
We recommend a daily consumption of 3 cups of 250ml each. If you are already accustomed to drinking more than 3 cups of coffee per day, you can continue to consume it as usual.
Are there any restrictions or contraindications?
This product is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children. It should preferably be consumed under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist. The consumption of this product should be accompanied by the intake of liquids.
Can people with hypertension consume it?
Yes, but we recommend consulting your doctor beforehand.
What is the correct way to prepare it?
1 level teaspoon (or one measure of our dosing spoon) dissolved in 250 ml of water or milk.
How many servings does one can yield?
It yields approximately 45 servings.